Tradition Chinese Medicine
For Better Health
Brandon Acupuncture

Brandon Acupuncture

Chinese Massage & Herbal Centre

the well established clinic of acupuncture, massage and Oriental medicine in Brandon – was founded in 1999 by the master acupuncturist Li Lin.

Acupuncture is a healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that is thousands of years old. It involves insertion of tiny hair-thin needles at specific points of the body to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal. In addition to the basic form of treatment known as needling your acupuncturist may also use electrical impulses through the needles, apply heat to acupuncture points, use cupping (jars in which a partial vacuum is created) or acupressure.

Book Your Appointment Here

Pain in my hip, which prevented me from walking, prompted me to seek medical care. After an MRI, x-rays, and cortisone injections including an epidural, I decided to try acupuncture treatments. After six sessions, I can hardly believe the improvement. I can now walk without a cane and can again enjoy one of my favorite activities, walking on the beach at our home. THANKS!
John Doe