Chinese Massage & Herbal Centre


Namburdripad's Allergy Elimination Treatment

Allergy or hypersensitivity is an abnormal reaction of the immune system during contact with an allergen. That is typically harmless substance. An individual can be allergic to anything: foods, drinks, drugs, pets, pollen, grass, chemicals, latex, insect bites…etc. Allergic reactions may range in severity: redness, eczema, hives, asthma, basal inflammation, migraines & headache, swelling of the face even anaphylactic shocks.

In NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques), allergies are viewed form a holistic perspective based on Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and defined in terms of the effect an allergic substance has on the energy flow in the body.

In the allergic person, the allergic substance (know as an allergen) is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body’s well-being. It causes blockages in the energy pathways (called meridians) disrupting the normal flow of energy through the body’s electrical circuits. This energy blockage causes interference in communication between the brain and body via the nervous system which begins a chain of events that can develop into an allergic response.

NAET is an innovative treatment for allergies that is completely natural, painless and non-invasive, combined allopath acupuncture, kinesiology and nutrition, by reprogramming the Brain and removing the blockages from the energy pathways. NAET allows the body to regain balance (homeostasis) and eliminate allergies for reach optimum health.

Dr. Li Lin has been a Certified NAET Practitioner in Manitoba for quite few years, he use NAET to help many people with different allergies.